Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Remote On-line Encryption Keys for LUKS

I have devised a way to setup encrypted partitions that get their key from an on-line Internet source so that if a device was physically stolen such as a laptop, that the on-line key can be turned off and data contained in it would be kept safe. Do any other such documented methods exist using a luks encrypted partitions or other methods? The goal being you don't even need to login or even know the password to access an encrypted object. So a user client would not even notice any change at boot or operation on a moblile or fixed system even with auto login at boot and still have a secure system in the event of loss or stolen device event. Seem most looses are due to a lazy or careless users and admins. With this system after setup the user does nothing until the problem event happens.  The files for this project can be found at: here

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